I Thought of You Today I woke early this morning, lifted the shade to a sky overcast and gray. No ray of
sun to brighten my heart, and I thought of you today. The breezes of summer are no more and have moved along on
their way. The crisp air of autumn has settled in, and I thought of you today. The crunch of the leaves under
my feet, I remembered how you loved to play, chasing the leaves across the yard, and I thought of you today. As
the daylight faded into dusk and the shadows came to play, I lit a candle and watched the flame dance, and I thought
of you today. I crawled into bed, turned out the lamp and glanced where you used to lay. The tears came again,
as they always do, as I thought of you today. 'Mo's Mom Carol October 28, 2000
I Kept Some Things A little red coat in its usual place, A soft blue cloth to wipe your sweet face. A
plush doggie bed on the living room floor, Muddy little pawprints still mark the side door. Brushes in the
cabinet all in a row, A blue one for me and a red one for 'Mo. Your harness and leash still hang on the hook, And
on the end table your Memory Book. Medicine on the shelf in the door of the 'fridge, No need for this now,
good health at the Bridge! Toys in the basket in the office nook, (Those who come here cast a sideways look.)
Your dishes in the curio, all washed and clean, I know others wonder, "What does this mean?" I have
all your things but no longer have you... You don't need them now...but I certainly do. 'Mo's Mom Carol October